During the first six month of the year 2023, COERR facilitated the visits of priests in Ratchaburi, Nakhon Sawan and Chiangmai Dioceses, to 32 churches in the nine temporary shelters to say masses to the faithful on Saturdays, Sundays, or occasionally.
For COERR Kanchanaburi, priests were invited to celebrate masses in churches in Ban Don Yang and Ban Tham Hin Temporary Shelters in Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi Provinces, respectively. After Mass, home visits to the houses of the faithful elderly, who were too weak to walk to the Church, were paid by the priest who prayed with them and performed anointing of the sick for the needy.
In February, there was a meeting among catechists, church committee and COERR for annual work planning, a meeting for Easter Festival arrangement in April; and another meeting in June for preparation of catechism class for Sunday school students.
In April, both churches were repaired: in Ban Don Yang Church, the screen behind the Altar, some wooden beam and wall were replaced; in Ban Tham Hin Church, beam, door, toilet and kitchen were repaired and walkway in front of the church was adjusted for beauty as well as safety to walk.
In June, children and youth gathered to clean inside and outside of both churches in preparation for the opening of Sunday School in 2023. The first Sunday class in Ban Dong Yang church started on June 5th with participation of 29 schoolchildren; in Ban Tham Hin church on June 11th with 38 children attended. These children learned the religious ceremony, catechism, recreation and games, etc., organized by team of catechists.
Repair and Maintenance of Ban Tham Hin and Ban Dong Yang Churches in March

Mass Performed in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter

Easter Ceremony in April 2023
